Terms of Service (iCareFiles)


    Welcome to iCareFiles (“iCareFiles”, “we” or “us”)! iCareFiles provides products and services that can save you time to manage cloud-based file backup across multiple accounts. iCareFiles products and related services are legally owned and operated by Tenorshare Co.,Ltd and its affiliates ("Tenorshare").


    Before you start using this product and service, please carefully read all the terms and conditions listed in this agreement (minors under the age of 18 should read with their legal guardians), and focus on reading our exemptions or restrictions displayed in bold iCareFiles liability clauses, agreed dispute resolution methods and jurisdiction clauses, separate agreements or business rules clauses, etc. If you have any questions about the terms of this agreement, please contact our company, and our company will explain the content of the terms for you. If you do not agree to any of the terms of this agreement, or cannot accurately understand the company’s interpretation of the relevant terms, please do not proceed with subsequent consent operations. You know that if you perform follow-up operations or click to confirm, it is deemed that you fully understand and accept all the terms of this agreement, and this agreement constitutes a binding legal document between the company and you.

    For the purposes of these terms of service, "you" refers to an entity that accepts these terms of service as an individual or on your behalf and is endowed with all rights and is bound by all terms under the agreement. You represent that you have the right to accept these terms and conditions of service. If you do not agree to all the constraints of the terms of service, please stop using any iCareFiles services or products immediately, which will cause the company to be unable to provide you with complete products and services.

    You can contact us at the email address below, and we will generally reply to you within 10 days.

    [email protected]

    In order to use the iCareFiles service, you must provide your email address. You agree that your email address will always be accurate and up-to-date.

    If you are a child under the age of 13, please provide your legal guardian's email address so that we can obtain consent. If you are unable to provide it, please stop using any iCareFiles services or products immediately.


    You agree to our collection and use of your email address and other information in accordance with our privacy policy. The privacy policy of this product and service is detailed in the "User Privacy Policy". You agree to read carefully and fully understand and accept the privacy policy, and agree that the privacy policy is an important part of this agreement.


    When you use this product and related services, it will involve information from many people and entities, including data, text, photos, graphics, videos, messages, tags or other materials ("content"). All such content will be provided by the The individual or entity of the information is solely responsible. This means that you are responsible for all content sent, transmitted or otherwise provided by e-mail during the use of the service (including third-party service integration enabled through the service) and the resulting behavioral consequences (including any losses or losses that iCareFiles may suffer) Damages) bear full responsibility. Please note that the content is different from the "Feedback" treatment described in Section 6. iCareFiles does not claim ownership of such content and does not store it in any form, and you agree that iCareFiles can access your information, project data, files and folders for the purpose of providing services. iCareFiles will never use data for anything unnecessary to provide services. If you no longer want your content to appear on the service, please go to the applicable third-party service that provides the content and change the privacy settings to block publicly accessible content or delete it completely. However, you need to agree and understand that iCareFiles may not (and is not obliged to make you) restrict any other person (including other users) from using your content, and iCareFiles cannot control the third-party services that you authorize or enable to provide to you Content.

  6. 06. FEEDBACK TO iCareFiles

    By submitting feedback, ideas, ratings, comments or suggestions to iCareFiles privately through customer service ("Feedback"), you acknowledge and agree:

    • (A) Your feedback will automatically become the property of iCareFiles, and iCareFiles has no obligation to you;
    • (B) Your feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary information of you or any third party;
    • (C) iCareFiles can use or disclose such feedback in any media around the world in any way for any lawful purpose;
    • (D) iCareFiles may have some feedback similar to those already under consideration or development;
    • (E) You are not entitled to any form of compensation or compensation from iCareFiles.

    iCareFiles is committed to helping protect your privacy at all times, unless otherwise stipulated in this agreement. This statement explains the anonymous data collection process and usage practices of the iCareFiles software improvement program.

    In order to provide and improve the software, its functions and user experience, we will automatically collect and maintain process and usage information related to the use of various modules and functions of the iCareFiles software. For the purpose of statistical analysis of software usage, information will also be collected anonymously.

    We will only use this information for the purpose of providing the end user with the best software experience. The collected data will not be disclosed, shared, sold, traded or leased to any third party for marketing purposes.


    You agree not to use the service for the following:

    • (A) Harm minors in any way;
    • (B) Impersonate any person or entity, or misrepresent your affiliation with that person or entity;
    • (C) Engage in any unsolicited or unauthorized advertising, "spam" or "chain letter" or any other form of solicitation;
    • (D) Stalking or harassing others in other ways;
    • (E) Transmit or provide any material containing software viruses or computer codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functions of any computer software, hardware or telecommunications equipment;
    • (F) Interfering with or destroying the service or the server or network connected to the service;
    • (G) Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or international laws;

    You agree not to upload, publish, transmit or provide any of the following:

    • (A) Illegal, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, infringing, defamatory, obscene, defamatory, infringing on the privacy of others, hatred or racial, racial or other offensive content;
    • (B) Without the right to provide information under any law or contract or trust relationship (such as internal information protected by confidentiality agreements, proprietary and confidential information) infringes any patents, trademarks, trade secrets, copyrights, or copyrights of any party Other exclusive rights. You acknowledge that iCareFiles may or may not pre-screen content. We have the right but not the obligation to decide on our own to pre-screen, reject or delete any content on the service. You need to understand that you may be exposed to offensive, indecent or offensive service content.

    You will not be able to access this service under the following conditions:

    • (A) Through any means other than the provided interface;
    • (B) Through any automated means (including the use of robots, scripts or web scraping tools). You must not rewrite or circumvent any security components, and you must not violate any usage rules related to the protection of materials or technologies in this service.

    All rights, titles and benefits of the service (including any iCareFiles content or materials provided through the service, the appearance, design, service mark, trademark and service name of the service) are the property of iCareFiles and its affiliates, licensors or users, and Protected by copyright, patent, trademark or other ownership and laws. Without the prior written consent of the service owner, you may not use, copy, modify, create derivative products, and reverse engineer any part of the product, sell, transfer, sublicense or otherwise transfer any rights.

    Unless otherwise agreed in another agreement between iCareFiles and you, as far as any software we provide to you, iCareFiles grants you personal exclusivity, global, royalty-free, non-transferable and non-transferable A non-exclusive license whose sole purpose is to enable you to use the service in the manner permitted by these terms of service. You must not (and you must not allow anyone else) to copy, modify, create derivative products, reverse engineer, decompile or otherwise attempt to extract the source code of the software or any part of it. You may not assign or grant you a sub-license of the right to use the software, or grant you the right to use the software or a security interest in the right to use the software, or otherwise transfer any part of your right to use the software.


    You (not iCareFiles) are solely responsible for any costs incurred when accessing services via Internet or mobile access providers or other third parties, including but not limited to the costs incurred by sending or receiving SMS messages.

    When the company provides services, it may charge certain fees to users of related services. In this case, the company will make clear prompts or guidelines on the relevant pages. If the user needs to pay for the service used, the user has the right to decide whether to use and accept the charged service. If the user refuses to pay such fees, the related services cannot be used.


    You (not iCareFiles) are solely responsible for any costs incurred when accessing services via Internet or mobile access providers or other third parties, including but not limited to the costs incurred by sending or receiving SMS messages.

    When the company provides services, it may charge certain fees to users of related services. In this case, the company will make clear prompts or guidelines on the relevant pages. If the user needs to pay for the service used, the user has the right to decide whether to use and accept the charged service. If the user refuses to pay such fees, the related services cannot be used.


    This service may display announcements. Taking into account that iCareFiles grants you the right to access and use the service, you agree that iCareFiles may publish such statements on the service.

  13. 13. INDEMNITY

    You agree to indemnify iCareFiles and its affiliates, members, officers, agents, employees, partners and licensors, and to protect them from any claims or requirements arising from any third party due to the content you submit, publish, or transmit, Including reasonable attorney fees, travel expenses, etc., service provision, your use of the service, connection with the service, violation of the terms of service or violation of the rights of others.


    We reserve the right to temporarily or permanently change or terminate the service (or any part of it) without notice. You agree that iCareFiles is not responsible for any modification, suspension or termination of this service by you or any third party. You further agree that we can unilaterally decide to limit the number of emails sent through the service at any time.


    You agree that iCareFiles can terminate your application's access to the service at any time for the following reasons (including but not limited to) without prior notice:

    • (A) Violation or violation of these Terms of Service or other incorporated agreements or guidelines;
    • (B) Requirements of law enforcement agencies or other government agencies;
    • (C) Your request to deactivate the application;
    • (D) Termination or major modification of the service;
    • (E) Unexpected technical or safety issues;
    • (F) Not used for 3 years;
    • (G) You engage in fraudulent or illegal activities;
    • (H) Do not pay you any fees related to the service. In addition, you agree that iCareFiles is not responsible for you or any third party for any deactivation of your application.

    You clearly understand and agree:

    • (A) You bear the risk of using the service yourself. The service is provided on a "no change" and "available" basis. iCareFiles and its branches, members, officials, employees, agents, partners and licensors expressly deny any express or implied guarantees of any kind, including but not limited to merchantability, applicability for special purposes, and non-infringement Implied guarantee.
    • (B) iCareFiles and its affiliates, members, managers, employees, agents, partners and licensors do not guarantee that the service will meet your requirements; or that the service will be uninterrupted, timely, safe, error-free or free of viruses or other Harmful components.
    • (C) Any materials downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of this service are at your own discretion and risk, and you will be solely responsible for any computer system damage or data loss caused by downloading any such materials.
    • (D) Under no circumstances will iCareFiles assume any responsibility for any content, including but not limited to any errors or omissions in any content, or any content posted through the service, sent by e-mail, transmitted or otherwise provided due to use The resulting loss or damage of any kind. You agree that you must evaluate and bear all risks associated with the use of any content, including any reliance on the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of such content.
    • (F) Any opinions, statements, suggestions or other information provided or expressed by third parties or users are those of the corresponding third parties or users, not iCareFiles. Although we actively seek community participation in the content on our website through various means, we do not endorse and are not responsible for the reliability or accuracy of any suggestions, opinions or statements on this service.

    You clearly understand and agree that iCareFiles and its affiliates, members, managers, employees, agents, partners and licensors shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including But it is not limited to damage caused by loss of profit, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses (even if iCareFiles has been notified of the possibility of such damage), the reasons are:

    • (A) Use or inability to use the service;
    • (B) The purchase cost of substitute goods and services arising from any purchase or acquisition of goods, data, information or services, information obtained through services or transactions concluded through services;
    • (C) Unauthorized access or modification of your transmission or data;
    • (D) Any third party's statement or behavior on this service;
    • (E) Any other matters related to the service. Some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain guarantees, nor the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or indirect losses. Therefore, some of the above restrictions may not apply to you.
  18. 18. NOTICE

    We may send you notices, including notices about changes to the terms of service, all notices can be through any contact method you reserved (including but not limited to email, regular mail, mobile phone text messages) or, announcements on this website And other reasonable methods known or developed in the future.


    We respect the intellectual property rights of others and ask our users to do the same. If you believe that your work has been copied in a way that infringes copyright, or your intellectual property rights have been infringed, please contact us.


    iCareFiles can choose to provide you with customer support at its sole discretion, and can terminate such support at any time without notice. iCareFiles can change, restrict, suspend or terminate any aspect of the service at any time, including the availability of any function or content.


    The validity, interpretation, modification, performance and dispute resolution of this agreement shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China (for the purpose of this agreement, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan).In the event of a dispute arising from the signing, performance or interpretation of this agreement, you and the company shall negotiate and resolve the issue in an equal, friendly, and reasonable manner; if the negotiation fails, either party shall bring a lawsuit to the people’s court where the company is located.

  22. 23. GENERAL

    If any provision in these terms of service should be ruled as illegal or unenforceable by a court with jurisdiction, the provision shall be modified to the extent necessary to make it enforceable without losing its intent, or if If such modification cannot be made, it should be deleted from this service clause, and it will not affect the validity of other clauses of this agreement. The control language of the terms of service is English. In any case, any party waiving any of the terms or conditions of these Terms of Service or any of its violations shall not waive the terms or conditions or any of its subsequent violations. You may not transfer or otherwise transfer any rights or obligations under these Terms of Service or this Agreement by law or other means. Any such alleged transfer or assignment will be invalid. In addition to the above provisions, these terms of service are binding on both parties, their heirs and assigns, and their interests shall be ensured. These terms of service, user privacy policy and possible supplementary agreements constitute the entire agreement between the two parties on this subject and are legally binding on both parties.